Security+ Notes

Forensic techniques

  • Chain of custody - Chronological documentation of the handling, transfer, and location of digital evidence.

  • Non-repudiation - ensures the integrity and authenticity of a message or transaction. The ability to prove that a specific action or event occurred, and certain parties participated.

SSL Certs - Certificates that are used to encrypt traffic between a client and a server.

WAF - Web application firewall

DHCP - Dynamic host configuration protocol is a network protocol used to automatically assign IP addresses and other network configuration settings.

  • DHCP Server: A DHCP server is a device or server within a network that is responsible for managing and allocating IP addresses and configuration parameters. The server holds a pool of available IP addresses that it can assign to devices.

  • DHCP Discovery: When a device (referred to as a DHCP client) connects to a network, it sends out a DHCP discovery message, usually as a broadcast, to locate a DHCP server.

  • DHCP Offer: Upon receiving the discovery message, DHCP servers respond with a DHCP offer. The offer includes an available IP address from the server's pool and other network configuration parameters.

  • DHCP Request: The client selects one of the offered IP addresses and sends a DHCP request message to the server, confirming its intention to use the offered IP address and associated configurations.

  • DHCP Acknowledgment: The DHCP server acknowledges the client's request by sending a DHCP acknowledgment message, also known as a DHCP ack. This message confirms the allocation of the IP address and provides the client with the lease duration (the time period for which the IP address is valid).

  • DHCP Lease Renewal: DHCP leases are not permanent, and they have an expiration period. Before the lease expires, the client can request a lease renewal from the DHCP server. If granted, the lease is extended, and the client continues to use the assigned IP address and configurations.

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