Week 1a: Legal Analysis


0. Use some of the links below in the Overview Analysis and In-depth Analysis sections to familiarize yourself with

1. Using Title 13 Chapter 87 of the Vermont Statutes (https://legislature.vermont.gov/statutes/chapter/13/087 Links to an external site.) determine if Marcus Hutchins had been operating in Vermont would any state laws have been broken by his actions to stop WannaCry. Also, (a little more obvious) determine which laws would have been broken in the creation of the UPAS Kit 2.0.

Marcus Hutchins would of violated section 4105 of title 13 chapter 87 since he took the source code of the wannacry virus without permission.

The UPAS Kit 2.0 would be illegal to use if it caused damage to any computer systems or networks however, I don't believe the creation itself of the malware is illegal in Vermont.

2. Make an ethical choice as to whether you believe that Marcus Hutchins should be prosecuted for the creation of malware when he was 17 years old (5-6 years prior to WannaCry and his subsequent arrest)

Marcus Hutchins should not be prosecuted for the creation of malware when he was 17 years old since at the time he was a minor and without the knowledge learned from the creation of the malware he may of not known how to stop the wannaCry virus.

3. Using your choice in #2, Create 3-5 points based on Vermont Law to either prosecute or defend Marcus.

It is easier to prosecute him under Vermont state law using the following arguments.

  • Accessing code of a piece of software that you did not create nor that you do not have permission to access is a crime in the state of Vermont.

  • Creating malicious software and then releasing it onto the internet could be seen as destruction of computer systems or networks which is illegal in the state of Vermont.

  • Furthermore by stopping the wannaCry software he was destroying or altering someone else's software which is Illegal in the state of Vermont.

4. Create a Powerpoint or Google Slides stack to put this all together.he Content at a minimum should be:

  • A title slide including your name

  • An introduction to Marcus as either a hero or a victim.

  • An overview of the (alleged) crimes.

  • For each law (allegedly/potentially) broached, at least one slide either prosecuting or defending Marcus for that particular statute.

  • A concluding set of slides summing up your arguments.

  • At least one slide with your reference materials.

At a minimum, use one of the first two references cited below under In-depth Analysis. I also strongly recommend listening to the Darknet Diaries episodes 73 and 53 listed under In-depth Analysis

Overview Analysis

Why was WannaCry Such a Bid Deal: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etPizFNPupk"


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WannaCry_ransomware_attackLinks to an external site.

In-depth Analysis

https://www.wired.com/story/confessions-marcus-hutchins-hacker-who-saved-the-internet/Links to an external site.

See a Documentary, Wanna Cry, The Marcus Hutchins Story

Darknet Diaries Episode 73 WannaCry Links to an external site.: https://darknetdiaries.com/episode/73/Links to an external site.

Darknet Diaries Episode 54 Shadow Brokers Links to an external site.: https://darknetdiaries.com/episode/53/Links to an external site.

https://www.wired.com/2017/05/accidental-kill-switch-slowed-fridays-massive-ransomware-attack/Links to an external site.

In-depth Analysis

https://www.wired.com/story/confessions-marcus-hutchins-hacker-who-saved-the-internet/Links to an external site.

See a Documentary starting at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWh4UaODjgU

Darknet Diaries Episode 73 WannaCry Links to an external site.: https://darknetdiaries.com/episode/73/Links to an external site.

Darknet Diaries Episode 54 Shadow Brokers Links to an external site.: https://darknetdiaries.com/episode/53/

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