01 25 23 IntroToPacketTracer Johnson

Intro to Packet Tracer and Deploying/Pinging Devices

Objective: Introduction to the Packet Tracer interface


  • Register for Cisco Network Academy account

  • Deploy network devices in Packet Tracer

  • Cable network devices together in Packet Tracer

Remember, for each lab your tech journal should include:

  • A brief (one sentence) summary describing what you did in the lab.

  • Any commands or instructions that you found useful and will need to use again in the future.

  • Any problems you ran into during the lab, and what troubleshooting steps you took to fix them.

  • Individual labs will also contain specific items to include or questions to answer within your tech journal. You'll find them at the very end of this document.

Step 0: Install Packet Tracer on your personal computer

Since the latest Packet Tracer is incompatible with our lab machines, you'll want to use the installers found here

Links to an external site.


or install on you VMs.

1. Register for a Cisco Network Academy Account

If you currently do not have a Cisco Network Academy Account - please register by enrolling in the Cisco Packet Tracer 101 Course:


(Links to an external site.)

Links to an external site.

Click Log in form top right , then "Don't have an account? Sign up on the bottom

This will let you create an account that you can use to log into Packet Tracer.

Once your account is active, use it to access Packet Tracer on your workstation.

Please Remember your Password - you will need it for future labs!

2. Lab:

Use Packet Tracer and follow the instructions in the following lab manual- Packet Tracer - Deploying and Cabling Devices.pdf

Download Packet Tracer - Deploying and Cabling Devices.pdf

Using the following Starter File (Download and Open in Packet Tracer) and Cabling Devices.pkt

Download and Cabling Devices.pkt

At the End of the Lab: Insert text into the Packet Tracer Workspace and add your name

(Packet Tracer "Place Note" icon will let you create a Text Box on the Workspace)

SUBMIT: Screenshot of the completed lab in Packet Tracer with your name visible on Workspace (4 points)

3. Pinging within Packet Tracer

Once you've completed Part 2, click on PC0, and choose the Config tab in the window that appears. In the table on the left, choose 'FastEthernet0'.

Enter the following information in the given text boxes:

  • IP Address:

  • Subnet Mask:

Repeat this process for PC1, but enter the following information instead:

  • IP Address:

  • Subnet Mask:

You should get a command-line terminal window. Type in the following command and hit Enter:

  • ping

This will send 4 packets from PC0 to attempt to make a connection with PC1. If successful, you will see replies from PC1 appear in the terminal.

SUBMIT: A screenshot of the PC0 terminal window showing a successful ping of PC1 (2 Points)

Tech Journal add link here. (5 points)

Things to consider:

  • How do you deploy workstations and switches in Packet Tracer?

  • How do you connect these devices with cables?

  • How do you access the command-line terminal on a Packet Tracer PC?


Lab 2-1




This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

Completed lab

Screenshot of the completed lab in Packet Tracer

4 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

4 pts

4 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome


A screenshot of the PC0 terminal window showing a successful ping of PC1.

2 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

2 pts

2 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

Tech Journal

add link

5 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

5 pts

5 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

Total Points: 11


Last updated