Web Security Research

Assignment: Research a cyber attack and/or compromise of a web service in the last 6 months - and:

  1. Include a link to the article(s) pertaining to the incident

  1. Write a few sentences (in your own words) about what occurred

Attackers used ransomware to encrypt the data of the pipeline company. They demanded a ransom for the decryption key.

  1. Answer the following questions:

    • What was the motive/intent of the attackers? Was the attack attributed to anyone or a group?

The motive behind this attack was the money they would receive from the ransom.

  • What impact did the incident have (who was affected, for how long, were there financial or other damages...)?

This attack caused an energy shortage in the Eastern united states, fuel supplies were disrupted for several days and the company was greatly financially inconvenienced.

  • Any information on how the attackers were able to exploit the system?

It is not completely known how the system was exploited but it is believed to have been a phishing attack which allowed the the attackers to use ransomware on the system.

  • Any recommendations on how similar attacks could be prevented?

Have better network monitoring and better anti virus that can identify ransomware and kill it at the end point it is installed in.

Submission: Doc with heading (name, date, assignment # ...) and responses

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