3 Johnson

Packet Tracer Simple 2 Network - Class Lab

Objectives: Build and observe a Simple Network with 2 Networks


  • Observe the role of the router

  • Identify the impact of each networks as it's own Broadcast Domain

Lab Steps

Open up Packet Tracer, drag and label the following onto the workspace: Device numbers may not match device you have.


1. Connect laptop/server to switches and switches to router (FastEthernet ports on Router) and pay attention to the interfaces you use

2. Network address for Foster is and Network address for Skiff is

3. On CNCS Router

  • Assign the IP and subnet mask to the Interface connected to the Foster Network

  • Assign the IP and subnet mask to the Interface connected to the Skiff Network

4. Configure IP's subnet mask and Default Gateway on the Laptop and Server

  • On the Laptop assign, mask and as the Gateway

  • On the Server assign Mask and as the Gateway

5. Ping server from laptop

Submit: screenshot of successful ping (2 Points)

Traffic Analysis in Packet Tracer

1. Go into "Simulation Mode" in Packet Tracer (stopwatch on lower right)

2. From Laptop - open up "Web Browser" on Laptop Desktop

3. Enter the IP address of server and hit "go"

4. Use Capture/Forward to send to packets hop-by-hop

5. Continue until you see HTTP Packets in the Simulation Panel

6. Review Packet Details of a HTTP Packet in the Simulation Panel

SUBMIT: Screenshot of Details (Inbound or Outbound PDU) of a HTTP packet that includes the Source/Destination MAC, Source/Destination IP Address (2 Points)

Practice Saving Router config

1. Go back to Real-Time mode (clock)

2. From Router: Config Tab: Save NVRAM

3. From Router: Got to "Physical Tab" and use power button to turn off router.

4. Power back on by clicking the button again

5. Use Fast Forward button to get links back

6. Check router to make sure Interface IP's are still there

7. Submit Screenshot of CNCS Router showing IP address on an Interface (2 Points)

Add Tech Journal Link:

  • Document the use of "Simulation Mode"

  • Document how to save configurations on routers

  • Enter useful Packet Tracer Tips/Tricks you pick up

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