SYS 140 Lab 1
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Lab #1: Data Types & Conversions
Assigned Date: Monday, August 26th, 2019
Due Date: 11:59 pm, Sunday, September 1st, 2019
Problem Statement: The goal is to perform some basic conversions to ASCII, EBCIDEC, decimal, binary, and hexadecimal. Search for these conversion tables / definitions in your browser. You should understand how to mathematically make these conversions on your own.
Instructions: Answer the following questions:
Define hexadecimal notation. (2 points)
Base 16 number system that uses numbers 0-9 and a through f.
Define binary notation. (2 points)
Binary is a base 2 number system that counts to 1.
What is ASCII? (2 points)
American standard code for information interchange. It is used to encode characters within a computer.
What is EBCIDEC? (2 points)
This uses an eight bit binary code for every number and character used on the operating level of most computers.
Convert the phrase “Hello, friend!” to decimal using an ASCII table (perhaps You can exclude the quotation marks, but remember to include the punctuation and spaces. (7 points)
72 101 108 108 111 44 32 102 114 105 101 110 100 33
Convert the phrase “Hello, friend!” to decimal using an EBCIDIC table ( You can exclude the quotation marks, but remember to include the punctuation and spaces. (7 points)
200 101 108 108 111 44 102 114 105 101 149 100 90
Convert the phrase “This class is great!” to hexadecimal using an ASCII table. You can exclude the quotation marks, but remember to include the punctuation and spaces. (10 points) 54 68 69 73 20 63 6c 61 73 73 20 69 73 20 67 72 65 61 74 21
Convert the hexadecimal number “ff” to binary and decimal. (2 points)
Decimal 255
Binary 11111111
Convert the network mask to hexadecimal. Ignore the dots. (4 points)
Convert the binary number 00101101 to decimal and hexadecimal. (2 points)
45 Decimal
2D Hexadecimal
Using Device Manager (Windows) or System Info (Mac), find an example of where a hexadecimal number is represented. Explain what you found. (2 points)
Class Guid: {4d36e978-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} found under communications port under the events tab. This is the name or identity of this driver.
What is your major? (If you haven’t declared a major yet, what do you plan to major in?) (1 point)
My major is Cybersecurity.
Find an example of how data conversion or its representation apply to your career field. (For example, explain how hex is relevant to forensics, game programming, CSI or Cybersecurity.) Provide the reference to where you found the information. This should just be a short summary, around 500 words. (4 points)
One example I have found while researching data conversion within my major cybersecurity was encrypting data. Specifically symmetric and asymmetric encryption. Symmetric encryption simply means there is only one key used to both encrypt and decrypt data before it is sent over the network. Asymmetric encryption uses both a public key and private key to encrypt and decrypt data over the network. Encryption itself is a form of data conversion. It takes whatever data you have and uses mathematical algorithms to encrypt that data. That data is then turned into random letters, numbers and symbols though the use of a cipher. In symmetric encryption that same cipher or key is used to decrypt the data at its final location. Asymmetric encryption is a bit different using a public key or cipher to encrypt messages but a private key or cipher to decrypt messages. This is considered more secure because only people with a private key can decrypt the data. This private key is unique to you and your machine making it hard for others to steal and view your data.
Security, Savvy. “What Is Asymmetric Encryption? Read Symmetric vs. Asymmetric Encryption Diversity.”
Upload your answers to Canvas as a Word document. (1 point)