Tech Journal

Guiding Questions

  • Based on the chapter, what are the three most important components to think about if you were building a computer for yourself? How about if you were building a computer for another family member?

  • Think back to the last time you had to troubleshoot a problem with your computer. What steps did you follow? Did you follow a different set of steps than the book recommends, and if so, do you think following the book's steps would have worked out better or worse?

Chapter 12

What a user needs to accomplish with their computer is the most important factor in computer design. A computer designed for CAD manufacturing needs a powerful core processor, maximum system ram, and a high end graphics card. The reason for these types of parts is because the CAD software is very graphically intense. It also requires a large amount of fast memory and a processor that can handle multiple processes at once. These specifications would also be found in gaming pcs, and video editing pcs as they are also very graphically intensive. However, someone who simply writes research papers and takes notes on their machine wouldn't need such high spec graphics cards. It all depends on how demanding the processes that are being used are. Another crucial factor that needs to be considered when building a PC is the capability between the motherboard, cpu, and the other components of the PC. Different motherboards are able to have more slots for high performance GPUs for a user that may need better graphics processing, they may be able to support new technologies like DDR4 ram for more quick access memory storage, or they may have a high number of usb 3.0 slots for a user that needs a large amount of IO devices. Certain motherboards may also only support certain CPU's. For example an AMD or Intel cpu may only be supported by certain motherboards. Another crucial factor will be what power source is needed to power all of these components. A user also needs to have a case which is big enough to fully enclose all these components and the motherboard. Cooling is also an important factor when building a pc. If the machine has a high intensity cpu then water cooling may be needed to keep the pc running properly. Usually a heat sink and fan is what most average CPUs will need for cooling.

Troubleshooting Steps

  1. Identify the problem.

  2. Establish a theory of probable cause.

  3. Test the theory to determine the cause.

  4. Establish a plan of action to resolve the problem and implement the solution.

  5. Verify full system functionality and, if applicable, implement preventive measures.

  6. Document findings, actions, and outcomes.

In my personally experience with troubleshooting I do typically follow this process. However, I use outside resources to find theories and typically will go from testing a theory to establishing a new different theory multiple times to find the right solution.

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