Osint Findings
In class activity.
Last updated
In class activity.
Last updated
As this video explains, hacking itself has been a crucial part in technology and inovation for a long time. A lot of positive world changing technologies have come from hacking such as operating systems and programming languages. Some hackers however use their knowledge and engineering skills to exploit and benefit at the expense of others.
Enter your email or phone number to see if they have been in any data breaches.
Navigate to the following website.
Type in a password and see how secure it is.
What have you found in the first step?
I have found that both my personal and school email have not been pwned before!!!
What accounts did you try the passwords (school, email, etc.) for in the third step?
I tried passwords from my Github, email, and bank to check how secure they really are.
How many years till a computer breaks your password?
Finally I made a new random password and it would take a computer 1 morbillion years to crack my password.
Next we are gonna google ourselves to see what results may come up. Unfortunatley for me my name is too generic to find much with a simple google search. However, their is a platform called spokeo which offers more insight on the publically avaliabe information on an individual.
I have also not been a legal adult for a long time which means not a lot of legal documents like mortgages and loans have my personal information on them. Because of this, I was not able to find my profile on this website.