Chapter 3 A+


  • CPU socket

  • processor

  • Ram slots

  • Expansion slots


  • Most processors today either have registered sizes of 64 or 128 bits

  • Processing speed is measured in gigahertz 1 hertz = 1 cycle per second. Giga would mean there are 1 billion cycles per second.

  • 5 ghz is average processing speed for modern processors


  • Internal bus are the electronic lines within a cpu.

  • The external bus connects the cpu to other components.

  • When processing data the bigger the bus the faster data can be transmitted. 64 Bit buses are typical in today's machines.

Data Access Hierarchy

  • Inside the cpu

    • Registers

    • Cache 1

    • Cache 2

  • Motherboard

    • Cache 3

    • Ram

  • Hard Drive

    • Disk storage

Multi Core processors

  • Dual core means to cpus in one unit

  • Quad core either has two dual core cpus or have all 4 cores in one unit on the motherboard.


  • Contains hundreds of processors

  • Increased video card performance

  • Can boost performance not related to graphics

  • The gpu takes load off of the cpu

Cooling Methods

  • Heat sink

    • Large surface area distributes heat away from the cpu

  • Fan

    • Blows cool air into the pc and onto the processor

  • Liquid cooling

    • Liquid is pushed over the heat sink to absorb heat and then is pumped away from the processor to release that heat and the cycle repeats.

Peripheral Component Interconnect

  • Used to connect network cards, modems, sound cards, disk controllers and other peripherals.

Accelerated graphics port

  • Bus interface for graphics

Types of motherboards

  • ATX, used in full sized computers

  • Micro Atx, smaller pc tower motherboard

  • ITX, used in very small computers

  • Nano Itx, used in very small devices

  • Pico itx, the smallest motherboard used in very very small devices

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